The RPBA team offers a suite of trainings to prepare staff for the conduct of RPBAs.
The Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment (RPBA) is a joint approach of the United Nations, the World Bank, and the European Union to identify and address immediate- and medium-term recovery and peacebuilding requirements while laying the foundations for the elaboration of a longer-term recovery and peacebuilding strategy in a country facing conflict or transitioning out of a conflict-related crisis.
The RPBA team offers a suite of trainings to prepare staff for the conduct of RPBAs.
Guidance and Toolkit
The Recovery and Peacebuilding methodology is augmented by a suite of guidance documents.
Assessment experiences
The Recovery and Peacebuilding methodology has been used in several countries over the last few years.
Partnership documents
RPBAs are conducted under the Joint Declaration on Post-Crisis Assessments and Recovery Planning signed by the United Nations, the European Union and the World Bank.