Central African Republic: National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan
The RPBA in Central African Republic (CAR), adopted by the government as the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA), was initiated by an April 2016 government request.
26 December 2018
Mali's Peace and Reconciliation Agreement, resulting from the Algiers Process and signed in Bamako on May 15 and June 20, 2015, calls on the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank to carry out a Joint Assessment Mission (mission d'évaluation conjointe, MIEC) in northern Mali in order to identify needs and priorities, as well as related costs, to ensure a rapid recovery, address poverty and promote development, in order for these regions to reach the same level of development as the rest of the country within the next 15 years. The assessment also includes a review of implementation, financing and monitoring mechanisms that are requiredto ensure that the various activities that were identified can be implemented in the current, high risk operational environment.
Assessing recovery and development priorities in Mali's conflict-affected regions (English)