Trainings to Date

The Virtual Secretariat has held four trainings across the world, training a total of 121 experts from across the three organizations and beyond. Further trainings will be conducted as needed.

Amman, Jordan | March, 2017

34 participants from the World Bank, United Nations, European Union, the Islamic Development Bank, and the French Development Agency attended the Amman training event. World Bank, European Union and United Nations representatives were drawn from country and regional offices and across the two organizations, with a strong focus on staff working on the MENA region. Notable participants included The Division Manager for Arab Asian Countries and the Country Manager for West and East Africa Regions participated from the Islamic Development Bank and we also had a colleague join from the FCV unit in the French Development Agency

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | June, 2017

26 participants from the World Bank, United Nations, European Union, and the African Development Bank attended the Addis Ababa training event. The training also had notable participation from the EU and the UN, with Elizabeth Pape, Acting Head of EU’s Fragility and Resilience unit in attendance, along with staff from eight UN agencies from the Ethiopia and Liberia country offices, as well as from headquarters. The Senior Fragility Economist from the African Development Bank also attended.

Participants brought extensive experience working in conflict settings, particularly in the Africa region, and the location of the training brought a number of participants from the Africa region, and offered a platform for early discussions about collaboration on countries in the region.

Bangkok, Thailand | November, 2017

25 participants from the World Bank, United Nations, European Union, the Asian Development Bank, and the Australian Government attended the Bangkok training event. The training had notable participation from the UN, with staff from six agencies, and three country offices, including Azusa Kubota, the UNDP Country Manager for the Solomon Islands. Wendy Walker, Chief of Social Development Thematic Group of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department at the Asian Development Bank was also in attendance.

The location of the training brought a number of participants from the Asia region, and offered a platform for early discussions about collaboration on countries in the region. This was particularly critical for the Philippines, as UN, EU and Australia met on the sidelines of the training to discuss the potentialities of a possible Philippines RPBA.

Beirut, Lebanon | April, 2017 

36 participants from the World Bank Group, United Nations, European Union, the Islamic Development Bank, and the British Department for International Development attended the Beirut training event. Notable participants included Saad Sabra, IFC Senior Investment Officer in Lebanon; Rania Hadra, head of UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Syria; Francesco Motta, Chief of Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa Branch OHCHR, and Geraldo Noto, UNDP Iraq Deputy Country Director.

Participants brought extensive experience working in conflict settings, particularly in the region. The training served as a forum for fruitful cross-intuitional discussions about how RPBAs might unfold in specific contexts in the region.

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